Tuesday, March 22, 2011

High and dry

I know for us here day light savings just kicked in, but the days are feeling shorter. I guess I'm just so slammed with crap to do that it doesn't feel like time is passing by. Oh well, the faster it goes by the better. I want 2012 to get here already. LONDON! Woot woot!
So, I've been driving for a little over three weeks now, and I'm steady scaring the piss out of my mother. It's hilarious. I'll purposely cut a curb too close or what not just to piss her off. I can't wait to drive to North Carolina in a few weeks. It's a four hour drive from one door to the other of each house. That'll be one heck of a trip...
So, I'm getting really disappointed with Orchestra. It's sad. For example, the "every 2 year" trip for Chorus and Band is to Orlando, Florida. For Theatre and Dance, it's to NYC. For Orchestra, it's Busch Gardens... Really?! Pathetic. Not even out of the state, man. But, whatever. At least we're maybe going somewhere, and I love BG. I always have a great time. And this year I'll be with Brandon and Amanda. That's just asking for mischief. Hah.
Speaking of Orchestra, we're about five weeks away from the Rock 4 Life concert. Deadlines are coming up quicker and quicker and nobody is doing much of anything. Some people say they'll help, but they never come through. Whatever. And the Pancake Breakfast is at the end of April over Spring Break and I can't go. I'll admit, I'm a lil' pissed I can't be there, but I'll be in NC. So, no biggie.
School wise, I got a thing in the mail the other day saying, "Congratulations! You've been nominated to be in the NSHSS!" All because I have a GPA of a 3.89. Dweeb? I think so. Overachiever? Not really. Getting into UVA? Hopefully. Wish me luck.
So, about school. I've noticed there are a lot of... Loose girls where I go. And I use that term nicely. There are plenty other more vulgar words I'd rather use. Seriously. If I see one more pregnant girl, I'm going to be sick. And almost everyday I hear from a friend of mine, "Guess who screwed who now!" Really dude? Do you keep tabs on this shit crap? May I say, "NO LIFE"? It's just gross. Not to mention the couples that break up once a week, then get back together by the end of the day. What a shame. All the more reason why graduation should hurry up. I don't care for many of the people I have to deal with under a day-to-day basis. However, I will never like all of them, ever.
More specifically, history class wise. Mr. Duncan said today, "Hitler convinced them to 'Not get in bed with the U.S. because they'll leave you high and dry.' Which makes a lot of sense when you think about it." I was stunned. I'd never heard a teacher incorporate something so... risqué yet make such great sense. Good term, but interesting use. It'll be something I'll remember, that's for sure. Haha.
In other news, what's with everybody enlisting here lately? Three guys I know are leaving in August in the Navy, and another I'm pretty fond of is leaving in August too for the Army. I'm sad they're leaving because they're all great guys, but I'm glad to see the one go. Cruel, I know, but hey. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Although the guy leaving for the Army won't be home until Christmas. Which really sucks because I'll miss him a lot.
Lastly, the 30 Day Challenge is almost over for me. I'll probably do something similar to it later on this year. However, for now, check out the 30 Day Challenge blog. You can find the link on the right side bar.

L M Butler

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Catch a cold, from the ice inside your soul

The rain is never ending, it seems. I love it. However, my yard doesn't seem to but so much. It's become a giant pond. Hah, oh well.
Anywho, I auditioned for Chamber yesterday and I felt like I could cry. It was awful. The SRO music is crazy. The one song I had down perfectly, but of course, when I went to the storage room to record it, I fucked screwed up everything possible. Seth came in the storage room with me to listen, and I just wanted to throw something at him. He was snickering. I'd love to see his punk self try it...
Speaking of orchestra, we've started preparing for the Rock4Life concert in May. I love playing that music. It's really funny to see the two freshman basses, Kaitlyn and Victoria, attempt some of it. Kaitlyn was like, "Oh Lord! How the hell am I supposed to play that!?" Hah, I love that class. If you have no clue as to what R4L is, click on the Facebook link to it on the right side bar. It's pretty awesome.
So, I love how I was talking to the "best friend" the other day, and I mentioned to him that I post about him in the 30 Day Challenge blog. He said, "Yeah, I heard. I haven't read it, but I know somebody who stalks your blog." This is flattering, yet sort of creepy. I can't think of anyone who would stalk my blog and speak to him. Now I'm curious. And, as we've already established, my curiosity will be the death of me someday.
So, it seems here lately it's been "let's harass Butler" month or something. No matter what I do, somebody has something to say about everything. Then they threaten me, thinking that I'll quiver in my boots. C'mon. Honestly, grow a pair, man. Their bark is bigger than their bite. I just ignore them and watch them nag. It's funny to me. But people are just so ignorant and don't quit. With a few of them, I think they just lack a heart and soul. Grow up, this isn't middle school anymore. My opinion is, if you only find fault with me, move the heck on. Get out of my life if that's all you're going to do. Stop with the Debbie Downer attitude and the nit-picking.
In other riveting news, I'm losing my voice again. I tend to misplace it a lot. (Did you catch that crappy pun?) I think it's because I've been screaming and yelling a lot, on top of being sick. And no, not screaming and yelling at people. With them. I get really into playing badminton; so I scream, yell, and jump a lot during the games. My friend Namri thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. What can I say, it's a fun game.

Click on the title. It'll take you to my latest addiction. Enjoy.

L M Butler

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pity the fool

Photo credit to Jeanine
Today has been a rainy day here in the VA. We need it though. Everything has been so dry and fire prone. Personally, I adore the rain. It's so pretty. Especially in the city. 
So, I have some amazing news! The Thomas Dale Chamber and Concert orchestras both got straight ones at festival! Amazing right?! I was so excited. The soloists were amazing in Chamber and Concert was... Good too. Hah. We didn't expect all ones for Concert at all. Amanda was coughing and hacking through the entire thing and we somewhat messed up. The sight reading was awesome though. In the end, despite what we believe, we got Superior. It just doesn't get any better than that.
Speaking of Concert and Chamber, Chamber auditions are Wednesday. I've barely practiced and the music is crazy. I have to play my harmonic G and high D, E, and F in sixteenth notes. Ahhh, it's brutal. I'm looking forward to it though. I'd love to be in Chamber because I like music that's more difficult. Wish me luck.
Another thing for me to look forward to is that I get my permit tomorrow. Even though I've already been driving somewhat, tomorrow it will be legal. Although the stupid vehicle I get to drive will irritate the living hell out of me. I'm surprised it isn't dead by now. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers.
Among other things to look forward to are Arts In The Ally coming up on the 12th and 13th. I get to read the Night trilogy for history here soon, and the plans for the 2012 Olympics should be finalize as well. Get hype, brah.
So, my "best friend" brought to my attention the other day that he and I are losing touch with one another. Ever since that big fallout between us in the hall last year, it's been going down hill. I feel bad because I hate it when I vier away from friends. He and I have been through so much crap with each other that it's starting to make things worse. To be honest, I'm surprised we've stayed friends as long as we have.
On another note, I think Senioritis is setting in for me a year early. I've become so lazy and just bored with high school. Next year will be pretty awesome because I'm taking two AP classes and a Forensic Chemistry course. For right now though, it's so very slow. Words can not describe how much I can't wait to go off to UVA. I'll be damned durned if I don't get in.
Speaking of high school, drama just doesn't go away. It's all a "he said - she said" blah blah blah story. I love finding things out about myself through other people. It's quite amusing. My favorite is the, "Well, so and so said you said blah blah blah..." and "So I've heard you want to fight her..." Really?! I pity you people who believe mess like that. Why would I waste my time fighting anyone? I have no tolerance for things of that nature. And if I have anything to say about anyone, I'd rather say it to their face so that there's no confusion as to what was said. C'mon people, give it a rest.
The 30-Day-Challenge blog is smooth sailing, for those of you who're of interest. Some of the things in that blog are a little bit different than things I post on this one. One should check it out, eh? Click on the photo that says 30 Day Challenge under "Check it out!" on the right side of this page, and it'll take you there.

L M Butler