Yesterday, June 5th, was Zack's graduation party. Everyone had a fantastic time. Zack was really sweet to me the entire night, which I loved. :) And he kept in consideration that I had just gotten braces the day before his party. :( So I could barely eat ANYTHING except cake. Towards the end of the night, the party REALLY began to liven up. All the boys that were left (Eric Brugger, Derek Baily, Ronald Brown, and Zack Haefling) played "Smear the Queer". The gentlemen are exceptionally violent. Haha. Afterwards, Jenny Hoza and I joined them in a fews games of "Hide and Seek", which we played in complete darkness. Although, when Jen and I were 'it', we walked out the door to find the guys. Eric, Derek, and Zack all went running for the door, but I saw only Eric at the time. I decided to run back from where I came to tag Eric, but he didn't see me comming. Before I knew it, he tackled me and we were both on the ground laughing in pain. It was one of the highlights of the whole evening. After a few games of H&S, the few that were left stood around and talked about miscellaneous subjects while Zack's parents cleaned up the hall. When Zack brought me home around 12a., I gave him his presents. I got him a little white tiger to go with his "pet" dinosaur, Stegy, on his dashboard. I also bought him "Water Sabers"; I figured they were something he'd like. :) All in all, the party was major fun. I love spending time with my better half, and I'm so proud of him. :D I love you Zack Haefling.
L M Butler
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