Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hostile? Never!

Every year, it seems that I have some random medical issue.  Whether it's as drastic as a brain tumor, or as simple as a cyst on my wrist; none of which do I look forward to.  This morning, I woke up as 5a. in excruciating pain and had to have my mother take me to the emergency room.  Mom dropped me off at the door and went to park the truck.  I walked in the door, screaming and crying in pain, and hobbled over to the office for registration.  The lady behind the desk asked me for my SSN and I told her I couldn't think of it at the moment.  She said that because I was gritting my teeth (only because I was trying not to yell at her for staring at me like I'm there for no reason), that I was "being hostile and uncooperative."  I've never been hostile a day in my life, so I found her comment amusing.  I mean, really?  Doesn't everybody have a little bit of an attitude when they're in a serious amount of pain?
Finally, the bitter old woman took me to a room and ordered the doctor to come check me out.  The doctor and nurses got so tired of me screaming in agony, that they gave me Morphine and two other pain killers to shut me up, along with another fluid for nausea.  When the doctor concluded that I have kidney stones, yet again, I had a sigh of relief that that's all it was.
In other news, my cat did something so adorable the other day.  He came into my room and walked to the foot of my bed where my long, full-body mirror is.  In front of my mirror, I have two shoe boxes stacked with my mechanical toy dinosaur on top of them.  The dinosaur is set to "on", so when you touch it (where the sensors are), it goes "RAAAWWWRRRRR!!!!" and starts to walk to a little theme song.  Gizzer decided to go over to it and head-butt its face.  Need less to say, it started to make noise and move.  I have never seen my cat jump so high.  It was the funniest thing I've seen him do in a long while.
On another note, it seems like in less than a year, I'll be starting the enlistment process for the Air Force.  I'm looking forward to it, even though my family is not.  I'm actually considering Marines or Navy instead, but I've had the dream of the USAF since I was a little girl.  Honestly, I'd love to go to the AFA in Colorado Springs, but I have no idea if I'd be able to manage that.  Time will tell, eh?

L M Butler

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