Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Reality is a kicker

Life becomes complicated when you get older?  Not really.  Then again, I'm not in my mid-twenties or thirties.  Anyways, my birthday has come and gone; thank you to all who wished it and I well!  It was a good end to my summer, and I even had quiet a surprise.  It was really swell.
School has begun again, hitting me harder than ever.  Double honors classes honestly whoop my behind.  Although, they're actually enjoyable despite the extended work effort.  The teachers are really awesome.  Seriously, any teacher who will not "PG rate" the class and uses vulgar vocabulary gets an A+ in my book.  Haha.  Although it's odd walking down the hallways, because I'm so used to seeing all of the Seniors from last year.  And according to TDHS, the hallways have gotten better now that the new Freshman-West campus has opened up?  HAH!  What a joke!  The hallways are just as crowded as they were last year with the Seniors.  I can only imagine if the Freshies were actually at the Main Campus this year.  And fifty-two people on my bus is about twenty-five too many in my opinion.
On another note, it's now my favorite season here in the US., Fall.  I like the chilled weather versus the cold weather that Winter assaults us with.  And with Fall comes football season, and with football season comes something to watch on television.  Although I like watching the Superbowl every year, I honestly don't have a favorite NFL Professional team.  I'd rather watch college football, with my adored team of the Michigan Wolverines!
As another update, I have finally started the process of getting my licence.  I'm such a "baby" of my graduating class, that I won't get the "plastic freedom" till the middle of my Junior year...  Bummer.  You've got to love laws, right?  But what really bothers me is that the woman teaching my driver's ed course and what not, is a complete nut case.  I mean, over-the-top loco.
And let's not forget the drama!  Everybody just completely adores drama, correct?!  Yes, sarcasm to say the least.  It's amazing how I'm a week into my semester and drama has already blossomed within the walls of Thomas Jail.  Most of it isn't even new, it's all from last year.  Really people, be creative.

L M Butler

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