Tuesday, January 11, 2011

I saw it coming

Latest snowfall of the season.
Wow, so it's 2011 already.  It's only been 11 days into the new year and I can just feel it's going to be a good one.  I have high expectations for this year.
So, funny story about my house.  I swear we've got a ghost or something.  The TV keeps turning on by itself, doors opening and closing, noises, random cat toys moving with no cat around, etc.  Now, benefit of the doubt would tell me that it could be that the house is old; the vents could be what moves the doors; the house is unsteady and creaks. Whatever it may be, it creeps me out sometimes.  My dad is insistent on having a blessing or something done.  Then again, I think he watches too much Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel.
All of my midterms are finally taken care of, thank God.  I'm actually disappointed in myself though.  I managed to get a D+ on my math exam; although a B+ on my Chemistry exam makes up for that.  I don't know how I pulled that off, but I did.  Chemistry is brutal this year.  Also, go figure that I managed a 98 - A on my Orchestra exam.  Honestly, I don't know who can't pass that.  Well, except for the one cellist who go a 40 - F.  The poor girl just needs to give up and take up Band or something.
Speaking of school, History seises to make me laugh.  That class is the greatest.  Mr. Duncan could probably teach anyone about anything, and they'd learn it.  I'd say, last class, he told one of his best stories yet.  It was about a tattoo contest he ended up judging at a party.  The one guy had a full British fox hunt down his back.  It was so detailed, that he could see the dew on the grass.  Then, the man proceeded to pull down his britches and show off a fox tail coming from his butt crack.  Which branched off onto his left cheek.  Most interesting tattoo ever, I'd say.
To bring up the beloved friend subject again, it seems like when everything changes and becomes somewhat better, everything starts to go back to the old again.  People say they'll become a better person, yet actually doing so doesn't seem to happen.  One of my friends has turned into the biggest slut I've ever met, then the other is the biggest douche.  I saw both of them heading that route, and the one has been a douche since I met him; although, I just had a little hope for them, I guess.  It just got worse in the long run.  I'm not going to be somebody they can always turn to if they're going to talk crap about me behind my back and be terrible friends themselves.
London is coming closer and closer.  I'm so thrilled.  I'm hoping I'll be able to go there this summer for a week or so too, and not just in 2012 for the Olympics.  It all depends on finances and my classes for next year.  I tend to do a lot of summer teaching and charity, and I might be taking summer college courses.  We shall see, no won't we?

L M Butler

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