Thursday, March 10, 2011

Catch a cold, from the ice inside your soul

The rain is never ending, it seems. I love it. However, my yard doesn't seem to but so much. It's become a giant pond. Hah, oh well.
Anywho, I auditioned for Chamber yesterday and I felt like I could cry. It was awful. The SRO music is crazy. The one song I had down perfectly, but of course, when I went to the storage room to record it, I fucked screwed up everything possible. Seth came in the storage room with me to listen, and I just wanted to throw something at him. He was snickering. I'd love to see his punk self try it...
Speaking of orchestra, we've started preparing for the Rock4Life concert in May. I love playing that music. It's really funny to see the two freshman basses, Kaitlyn and Victoria, attempt some of it. Kaitlyn was like, "Oh Lord! How the hell am I supposed to play that!?" Hah, I love that class. If you have no clue as to what R4L is, click on the Facebook link to it on the right side bar. It's pretty awesome.
So, I love how I was talking to the "best friend" the other day, and I mentioned to him that I post about him in the 30 Day Challenge blog. He said, "Yeah, I heard. I haven't read it, but I know somebody who stalks your blog." This is flattering, yet sort of creepy. I can't think of anyone who would stalk my blog and speak to him. Now I'm curious. And, as we've already established, my curiosity will be the death of me someday.
So, it seems here lately it's been "let's harass Butler" month or something. No matter what I do, somebody has something to say about everything. Then they threaten me, thinking that I'll quiver in my boots. C'mon. Honestly, grow a pair, man. Their bark is bigger than their bite. I just ignore them and watch them nag. It's funny to me. But people are just so ignorant and don't quit. With a few of them, I think they just lack a heart and soul. Grow up, this isn't middle school anymore. My opinion is, if you only find fault with me, move the heck on. Get out of my life if that's all you're going to do. Stop with the Debbie Downer attitude and the nit-picking.
In other riveting news, I'm losing my voice again. I tend to misplace it a lot. (Did you catch that crappy pun?) I think it's because I've been screaming and yelling a lot, on top of being sick. And no, not screaming and yelling at people. With them. I get really into playing badminton; so I scream, yell, and jump a lot during the games. My friend Namri thinks it's the funniest thing in the world. What can I say, it's a fun game.

Click on the title. It'll take you to my latest addiction. Enjoy.

L M Butler

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