Saturday, February 5, 2011

Can we say, muzzle?

 I've become quite a procrastinator here lately.  There's really nothing or anyone I can blame for that.  Except for maybe one... Two... Three people in particular, but I don't play the lets-point-fingers game anymore.  In other words, I'm back to pulling all-nighters and everything.  At least I'm trying to.  That just doesn't always work out.  Although that usually happens around January for me.  Oh well, beggars can't be choosers.  Enough said.
So, people need to learn to keep their mouths shut.  Is that really that difficult?  Geez.  It's like anything I seem to say spreads like wildfire.  Or if somebody "finds" something out about me, everyone knows before I do.  Honestly, I'm this close to the smack-a-hoe option, rather than to ignore it.  I tend to pick my battles carefully.  Indiscreet people are trifling.  There are very few people I trust anymore, and one of them is a little ironic.  Considering that he and I only talk occasionally.  I know he's a good guy at heart though, so he's pretty chill in my book.
I'm tired beyond belief right now and busy just (as I've said before) isn't the word.  I have this R4L fundraiser to get accomplished and on a smooth sail, rehearsals, meetings, my campaign, five novels to have read by Wednesday, other miscellaneous work to do.  It's just blah.  I'll be happy when February is over.  March should be pretty calm.  That's what I'm hoping for.
Time appears to be going by so very fast.  It's amazing how it does.  I meant to post once more before January was over, but I just didn't have the time.  Eh, I'll get over it.  Hah.
I can't wait for summer to get here.  I'm all antsy about it.  I'm just so excited for graduation to be over with this year and to rid myself of Thomas Dale Jail for a while.
Also, guess what.  Just guess who's back to being a buttface again.  C'mon.  Really?  I'm more annoyed than impressed, man.  I'm not too sure that the person understands that I only get more irritated the more they're wishy-washy.  I don't know why I bother.  Ohh, I know.  Because I have to see him every day.  Ugh, people.  They just flat out suck sometimes most of the time.  Can't live with'em, can't live without'em.  Well, one could live without them but I'd rather not be alone one-hundred percent of the time.

Lastly, click on the title and it'll take you to the forty-sixth coolest thing ever.  Just goes to show, the British are clever.  Just saying.

L M Butler

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