Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Don't hate, participate

Oh my, such a long past few weeks it has been. I'm busy as always but I don't expect any less. I'd rather work too much than not enough.
Anywho, so Rock 4 Life is only 32 days away! Everyone is working their asses butts off trying to get everything ready. Between the meetings every Monday night and Friday afternoon, we're able to manage. We're making a R4L Yearbook and it's turning out pretty cool. I'm actually suppose to be writing something for it at this moment, but I'm preoccupied by my own blog. Shame on me, I know. I also made a seating chart of the entire TDHS auditorium. Oh my Lord, it took forever to do 1/3 of it and I'm still not done. However, it looks amazing (just saying). Check out the Rock4Life crew and concert.
In other riveting news, my latest addition has been Bdubs. I've gone there twice a week for the past four weeks. The place is amazing. If you've never been there, you need to go. And don't pull the, "Well, I live in Ethiopia and we don't have those here." Too bad, get on a plane and go to Buffalo Wild Wings. Excuses are for wimps.
So, the 30 Day Challenge has ended for me. However, still go check it out if you haven't already. I've had people say to me, "Really? You put that person in it?" Yeah, really. I did. Some things are on there because I couldn't think of anything else to put that I had a photo of. Honestly, just get over it. If anyone has some off-the-wall problem with it, I honestly don't give a flying frigg'. It's my blog for a reason. I'm sure you can appreciate that. Remember, it's on the right side bar under "Check it out!".
On another note, school is driving me crazy. Two of my teachers just flat out suck and the one won't stop being a Debbie-Downer about everything. Orchestra is the class that is agitating me the most though. Mr. J asked me to basically mentor a freshman who's coming to Dale next year, and I think it's bogus. In other words, he wants to stick me in Concert and listen to me bitch complain about how awful I think the class is. Again. Personally, I think he just doesn't care for me. Whatever. I'm thinking about taking Jazz Band with Mr. Barton instead. Just to get away from being in Concert for another year. The music is too easy, which is the only reason I just chill in that class. Oh well, only 7 more weeks.
Speaking of classes, Mr. Duncan's class is just getting better and better. I realize I somewhat favor this teacher, but I don't care. If you were to attend just one class, you'd understand where I'm coming from. For example, we mocked how Russia should take the aids from the United States. Also, how one should contain red Kool-aid in a bowl. One may ask, how does this relate to history? Good question. He teaches us valuable lessons on why somebody shouldn't speed near deaf  kids because they can't hear the horn to run away, and how to dispose of bodies in a proper fashion. Somehow, he always brings it back on topic. Best. Class. Ever.
Remember how I said that Orchestra wasn't going to Disney? Well, now I'm glad we didn't because all that came out of that trip was drama. Dag on. Those choir people really know how to start some crap. The hilarious thing was though, people were betting about who was going to start something while they were there. Even a few chorus people said to me, "The people in chorus are snobs. I'm glad to have peace for a few days." Hah, awesome to be a back stabber, eh?
I'm to the point of counting days for London. I'm beyond excited. It's... 452 days until I leave? Something of that nature I'm thinking... It's the only thing I'm looking forward to at this point. Except for a certain someone coming down for a bit this summer. I can't wait to see him. He's the greatest.

This is what I need. Fast forward to 0:33. Operation: Ending Skankdom. It'll save lives people, or just help not create them. Also, I'd recommend not watching the whole thing. It gets annoying, heads up.

L M Butler

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